Forged Souls

D.O.J.’s Coy Wink At Boy Play Abuse

The practice is called bacha bazi, literally “boy play,” and American soldiers and Marines have been instructed not to intervene — in some cases, not even when their Afghan allies have abused boys on military bases, according to interviews and court records.

Dan Quinn was relieved of his Special Forces command after a fight with a U.S.-backed militia leader who had a boy as a sex slave chained to his bed. (Dan was K.I.A.- 2012)

 The Obama administration’s Department of Defense was facilitating the homosexual abuse of young boys at the hands of Muslim allies in Afghanistan, and how U.S. servicemen who attempted to blow the whistle on attendant policies were being drummed out of the service.

 When liberals began targeting the sexual attitudes of our population through mass media and junk science such as Alfred Kinsey’s perverted sex studies, suddenly the worst thing one could be was a prude, and the accusation was thrown around almost as liberally (no pun intended) as “homophobe” has been in recent years. In retrospect, we can see that both were part of the same stratagem of shaming ideological opponents into acquiescence.

Lately, the news has been replete with how the civil rights of transgendered people are being trod upon by narrow-minded state governments and the bigoted straight majority. In a truly perverse turn of events, even the term “transgendered” has become nebulous; it is no longer employed to reference pre-operative transsexuals, but people who have chosen to represent as the opposite of their biological gender. The term “transvestite” doesn’t fit the bill, either; these are people who claim to literally identify as the opposite gender – at least at present… read more

Update: “Navy analysis found that a Marine’s case would draw attention to Afghan ‘sex slaves,’” by Dan Lamothe, Washington Post, September 1, 2016.

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None of this should surprise many if any, after all, the Obama White House has always played coy with sexual deviance. Kevin Jennings, the homosexual activist and one time Obama Safe School Czar was a self admitted admirer of Harry Hay.

One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. In 1948, he tried to get people to join the Mattachine Society [the first American homosexual “rights” group]. It took him two years to find one other person who would join.


Related: Paedophiles – ISIS jihadis threaten children with RAPE to force them to fight.

Related: Iran passes ‘pedophilia’ law.

Related: Row Erupts Over Turkeys ‘Legalisation’ Of Sex With Children As Young As Twelve.


Credit: Kirsten Luce for The New York Times.

Credit: Eric Rush for Freedom Outpost.

Credit: Joseph Goldstein For N.Y.Times.

Credit: Matt Barber For W.N.D.
About David Wiley (159 Articles)
David Wiley United States Military Veteran. Forged Souls Created - 2016. Political Independent - Affiliation None. Purpose Of Forged Souls Platform : Lending Voice To Controversial Traditional Views.

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