Forged Souls

“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone”

Having lost the White House, Democrats have suddenly rediscovered the drawbacks of executive overreach — hilariously including even Obama

Democratic Party Is Decimated Under Obama Years

run time 1:34 seconds


Having lost the White House, Democrats have suddenly rediscovered the drawbacks of executive overreach — hilariously including even Obama:

Obama has signed 260 executive orders so far in his eight years in the White House, according to a report, but wants Trump to take it easy when it comes to exercising the same power.


What a difference 2 years makes. In 2014, Obama barked that he didn’t need to work with Congress because “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” tools that allowed him to rule unilaterally.

President Obama emphasized that he is not waiting for legislation, that he has a pen and he will use it to sign executive orders run time 0:19 seconds


This time Obama is right. This country was never meant to be ruled by one man. The Executive Branch is supposed to execute law, not create it. Too bad FDR never got that memo. He imposed 3,721 executive orders. At the opposite extreme on the liberty spectrum, James Madison issued one.

Flashback: Obama Vs. Himself on the Constitutionality of Executive Orders

run time 2:18 seconds

Flashback:  8 Years of Obama Lies and Corruption – run time 15:08 seconds


Related: Obama Earns Grand Master Taqiyya Belt.

Related: STUNNING BETRAYAL – Obama Spent Taxpayer Funds to Try to Oust Netanyahu of Israel.

Related: What Obama won’t tell you about his legacy.

Related: Obama scores the worst legislative record in history.

Related: Farewell to a Decade of Media Drooling Over Barack Obama.

Related: Shocker – Democrats Now Wish They Hadn’t Triggered the ‘Nuclear Option’ (altering the filibuster rules).

Related: Obama’s Top Ten Blunders.

Related: Obama starts mass transfer of Guantanamo detainees.

Related: Obama’s agencies push flurry of “midnight” actions.

Related: House Passes Legislation To Erase Last-Minute Obama Admin Regulations.

Related: ‘Refugee‘ resettlement accelerates in Obama’s final months.

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Related: Obama’s biggest whoppers.

Related: Closing the book on Obama’s boulevard of broken dreams.

source: Moonbattery

About David Wiley (159 Articles)
David Wiley United States Military Veteran. Forged Souls Created - 2016. Political Independent - Affiliation None. Purpose Of Forged Souls Platform : Lending Voice To Controversial Traditional Views.

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